

18 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Tevita Toefoki

    Best read ever. I’ve been hoping someone to post up our true history of Tonga.. Malo ngaue lahi mei hena..

  2. Sela Fonua

    Malo lelei ‘a Tevita toefoki,
    Malo mu’a ‘ae tau moe ngaue fuesia mei hena ‘i hota fonua masiva ‘oku ou ‘oatu heni ha loto fiefia mo’oni kia te koe ‘ae feinga ke kei molumalu ‘ae tangata Tonga pea pehe foki kia tupou mo hou’eiki. Oku ou poupou mo taukave’i ho’o fk-matala fekau aki ‘eku mamata ‘i he u-tupe he neti hono fk-‘eke’eke koe he letioo tonga.Pea kou pehe ‘oku kei monu’ia ‘a Tonga ‘oku kei ma’u ha kau tangata ‘oku nau kei ‘ilo’i mai ‘ae history of Tonga pea kapau ‘oku lau ho’o Tonga pea ke tauhi ‘aki ia mo ‘ako’i ‘aki ‘ae to’utupu ‘oe fonua kenau ‘ilo’i ‘ae kei molumalu ‘ae tangata Tonga he koe lahi ‘ae maveuveu tupu me he masiva ‘ilo mo kei langilangi pe ‘a tupou mo hou’eiki.pea kapau he’ikai ke ako’i ke ‘ilo’i he to’utupu ‘ae me’a ke nau fai ‘e ‘ikai ke ‘i ai ha kaha’u lelei ‘a Tonga koe ke pe moe tau ‘i ha kuonga te muo ‘osi atu ai mei maama ko ‘eni . He kuo hake mai ‘ae fk-laka moe taimi pea ‘alu atu ‘ae fk-kaukau ‘ae muli kene hanga ‘o veuki ‘ae ma’uma’uluta moe melino hota ki’i fonua masiva na’e sila’i ‘e tupou ‘uluaki ‘o tuku ki langi. Pea kou pau ke fefeka ho’o maka ke angi mai ‘ae afa moe peau ‘ahiohio moe mofuike ‘oku ‘ikai ke holo pe ‘auhia ‘oku tu’u ma’u pe ‘o makatu’u pe ‘o hoko koe makatuliki ‘aki ho’o totonu mo ho’o mo’oni ke langa ‘aki hota ki’i fonua ‘a tupou mo hou’eiki. Koe lahi ‘ae valau koe lahi ‘ae poto moe taki taha fusi hono ngeia ‘ae ngaahi me’a ‘oku ‘ikai fk-‘otua ke langa ‘aki kae tuku ‘ae me’a totonu na’e ‘osi ngaue mai ‘aki mei onopooni talu ‘ae tu’u ‘a Tonga pea te tau kei polepole ‘aki ai pe hota Tonga ‘o lau ‘oku kei Tonga pe ‘a Tonga.
    Malo ‘ofa lahi atu ke faitapuekina koe he ‘otua ‘amanaki lelei ki ha kaha’u lelei ‘a Tonga.

    1. Moses

      Tui Manua, many are bringing this up and saying that this pre dates the Tui Tonga dynasty and was a much greater dynasty? I have not seen any archeological evidence to prove there theory. What are your feelings?

  3. Jerome

    Where may I purchase your book please?

    1. tualaufale

      We are working on re-publishing some of my past books. You can search e-bay and Amazon for my older books but there are sold by third parties and are very expensive at the moment. The republishing of my books will address the current high costs for purchasing my books.

  4. Kelesi

    Hi Tevita,

    My name is Makelesi I am doing a paper understanding religion with Rev. Dr Jione Havea could I please have permission to use one of the images in my essay. I am so excited to read of your findings in regards to “Lotu,” or Lotu Mu’a so refreshing and it is like a well spring of life. I look forward to reading more and understanding so much more of our beautiful Ancient Tongan Religion.

    1. tualaufale

      Makelesi, yes you can use information from my website…All I ask is that reference me and my website so more people can enjoy as you are enjoying! Thank you

    2. Toa Piukala

      Malo tau lava,
      Fie faka ha atu eku poupou ki hoo ngaue oku faka hoko, oku mahino pea tala hota Tonga iheetau hisitolia, pea oku ou pole pole ai, ofa atu Tevita moe ngaue ma’ongo’onga oku ke fk hoko. Ofa atu Toa Piukala

  5. what kind of bird is on the calendar

  6. letz

    hello there are many samoans on facebook saying that TUI MANUA ruled tonga and that aho eitus father is from manua islands and that the haamonga was built for a tribute how the tui manua empire left tonga can you please tell me if its true or not thank you

  7. Cha Edwin

    I would like to set up a meet up with you!! It would be amazing brother.

  8. Kainoa Aila

    Amazing website. Its interesting, because not until I did my own research, starting in college, that had nothing to do with what my degree was, i discovered how Freemasons (controlled by higher powers) during the 1800 -1900 was turning sovereign kingdoms in the Pacific, into fake republics. I say fake because these Masons and other entities, used the British Admiralty Law, known today as UCC, Uniform Commercial Code. This Commercial code, was used by merchants and navigators and was slowly manipulated over time with English Common Law. to what we call law today. I am Hawaiian, and I live in Hawaii, In theory, it is true, we are still a kingdom, for many reasons. The reality in 2019 is, We are a STATE, of the United States of America, locked into what we call “Legality” today. The masons succeeded in helping the creation of an International Private contract, that gives our personal rights and fredoms away, not only to a STATE, but an International operated and funded network of psychopath tyrants that want a Utopia, And they will have it, if people like us, do not step up, and share the truth of our history. I would rather trust you, then trust any book or information from any Corporate, state or federal funded sources. Mahalo for being creative, and being brave for sharing your Manaʻo ! Aloha a me Mahalo Koʻu Hoaaloha i Hawaii Nui A Kea !

  9. fatafehi pailate

    hi tevita thank you for your hard work.. its a relief that someone has gone this far with our history, nothing comes up on the internet about our history, apart from what the edomites (palangi) have in my belief purposely rewritten according to their own interpretation. my question is do you know which native american tribe we wouldve descended from? im trying to figure out if we are from the “lost 10 tribes of israel” who left captivity and fled to north,central, and south america..

  10. Semisi

    Hello Mr Fale or whom ever is looking after Mr Fale’s website,

    I’ve been reading all your articles & as a young Tongan, It has given me a deep-passion to learn more about our Ancestor’s history from a Tongan and not some outsiders. I’m glad you’ve been able to discuss with King Tupou IV which also adds more credibility to your work. I will do my best to share this information with other Tongans. I’m not sure if you will read this Mr Fale but know a lot of us young ones appreciate and are grateful for your long-life’s work.

    Please post up on FB if you’ve finished a new book or how we can attain them. Much respect & ofas.

  11. Fatafehi Pailate

    do you know what native american tribe we came from?

  12. Toutoupauu Holakeituai

    Hi, please, what is your email? I have a scanned copy of an article you wrote in the Kalonikali back in 1988. I want to send you a copy.

  13. Fr Mikaele N Paunga SM

    Dear Tevita,
    I am a Tongan Catholic Priest, theologian by trade.My name is Fr. Dr Mikaele N Paunga SM. I have been lecturing in Fiji at our Pacific Regional Seminary for 20 years now. I am an avid reader of your great work and thank you for that effort. I have learnt a lot from it and thank you for preserving our culture, history, traditions and astronomical treasures.
    I am currently writing an article on the Philosophical relationship of Yam planting to the Moon. I have been following for a long time the Tongan calendar written by E.E.V. Collocott. As a yam planter, I knew that there was something wrong with his naming of months especially of Vaimu’a and Vaimui. I have found the answer in your calendar where you pointed out the errors of the missionaries. I have compared the two and yours is closer to my experience in planting yam. My article is entitled “Ko e Mana Fakaha ‘Otua ‘o e Fakatupu – Creation as Sacrament. It will be part of a book put together for a ‘commemoration of late Dr ‘Amanaki Havea.
    I am writing to ask if I can use your Calendar and Ha’amonga Origin & Constellation. It will be acknowledged as your work. I hope that this would be favorable to you. Io fakatauange pe ke hounga pe ki he feitu’una. Malo, Tu’a ofa atu.
    Patele Mikaele N Paunga SM

  14. Zo

    Malo Island Family,
    Came across an interesting read about our island history according to an author on WordPress. ( ) Thought you guys might want to break it down for us if you haven’t already. Thank you!

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