Polynesian Culture & Tongan Empire Origin – Vaihi

Polynesian Culture & Tongan Empire Origin – Vaihi

The current Monarch’s of Tonga are the remnants of the Great Tongan/Polynesian Empire that have existed for thousands of years and still active to this day. The Founding Fathers of the Tongan/Polynesian Empire originated from Vaihi / Americas.

The origin of the great Polynesian Tongan Empire and Polynesian Culture as a whole is a topic of great discussion among the academic world. Their efforts focus on DNA, linguistics, archeology, and several other disciplines. These disciplines do add value in determining the material origins of genetics, objects, and words. I also reference some of these data points in my research.

However, the foundation of my research is based on understanding the Polynesian Culture not only from a scientific aspect but also the social, economic, political, and religious components of the Polynesian Civilization. This is an important approach as a civilization can be a result of several people of various genetic make-up, an accumulation of various artifacts from throughout the civilization’s exploration/development, and also words borrowed from various areas of the civilization and other close contact civilizations. In the interconnected world we live in today we can appreciate how genetics can be shared, objects/artifacts can travel via trade around the world, and how words can be shared/altered.


  • Tangaloa – The original governing title of the chiefly clan (one of three founding clans) that formed the foundation of Polynesian Culture and instituted the Tu’i Tonga to replace the Tangaloa title.
  • Maya – The Polynesian term for Maya is Maui, which became a title. This title represented another of the 3 founding clans of Polynesian Culture.
  • ‘Ahau – The third Founding Clan was ‘Ahau or the High Priests.This term and structure also reflects Mayan culture.
Ha’amonga ‘o Maui / Maui’s Burden. This is a physical manifestation of the great burden carried by the Ha’a Maui / Maui Clan on the the 3 Founding Clans of Tongan/Polynesian Culture.

Regardless of the civilization, you study whether ancient or modern, every civilization begins with foundational scientific, religious, economic, social, and political ideas (core values) that established and grew the civilization. The focus of my research is to identify the origin of the core values that formed, established, and facilitated the growth of the Polynesian Culture under the Tongan Empire.


  • Mayan 7 Directions – The same 7 directional references as used by Mayans are the same foundational directions of Ancient Tonga and Polynesia.
  • Mayan Math (Pase 20) – This is the same mathematical basics as Ancient Tonga and Polynesia (Pase 20)
  • ‘Ata – Another reference to Vaihi that has ties to the Americas. This name is used in several areas of Polynesia to this day.
  • Vaihi – The Polynesian reference to the land where the Founding Fathers of Polynesia originated. The word Vaihi has tie to the Americas.
  • Sia Mounds – Refers to the man-made mounds found throughout Polynesia but especially in Tonga. This has direct ties to Ancient Cultures in the Americas.
  • Mala – Another word from Vaihi that became part of the Polynesian vernacular.
Oral history states that Tongans and Polynesians came from Vaihi. The political, social, economic, scientific, and religious evidence points to the fact that Vaihi is the Americas.

All indications when we look at the core values of Ancient Polynesian Culture from a scientific, political, social, scientific, and economic perspective point to an origin from the Americas. Tongan oral history states that the Founding Fathers of the Tongan Empire came from Vaihi. The natural conclusion is the Vaihi is the Americas.


  • Kali
  • Lotu
  • Polynesian/Tongan Calendar
  • Katoanga
  • Astronomical Knowledge
  • Zipa
  • Tula
  • and many more……

One thought on “Polynesian Culture & Tongan Empire Origin – Vaihi

  1. Havea Fuapau

    How can we check your references in regards that Vaihi is a word from the Maya and Inca language?

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