Tonga Oldest Active Civilization. In a world where civilizations and Super-Powers have come and gone, it is interesting to think that the longest active civilization sits in the middle of the Pacific Ocean among the many thousands of islands scattered throughout Polynesia. The remnant of the Tongan Empire and its ruling family are still in power to this day.
This article is the first in a series of articles that will lay claim to the fact that Tonga is not only the only nation that has maintained her independence in oral and written history but in fact is the oldest active civilization and has been governed by the same ruling family for thousands of years.
In this article, we express a brief overview of the flow of leadership from the progenitors of the Tongan Empire that laid the political, social, religious, and economic foundation of the civilization.
The proceeding articles will expound how this island civilization and its ruling family executed governance through kingly delegation of power and duties to the Tu’i Ha’atakalaua and Tu’i Kanokupolu kingly lines. And how this delegation of kingly powers and duties within the same ruling family played a key role in allowing this same ruling family to maintain freedom and leadership for thousands of years and lasted the test of time to this day.
Timeline of the Tonga, Polynesian History and Origin of the Tongan Kingdom Empire.
You can read my article on how to understand Ancient Polynesian History in my article: How to Understand Ancient Polynesian History. This approach played a critical role in my research in unearthing the true history of Polynesia.
1. 1,000 B.C. -Land at ‘Ata Island from the Americas.
You can read details of the arrival of the first Tongans to ‘Ata and later Tonga and the rest of the islands in the Tongan Empire in my article: The History of Tonga Part I
The Tongans settled ‘Ata Islands from 1,000 BC until 1863. After Blackbirding and all the people moved to ‘Eua.
2. 950 B.C.- discover Tongatapu and ‘Eua
3. (800 B.C.-400 A.D) Tonga was known as Tongatapu- Sacred of the South or TongaEiki- Chief of the South. Discover and settled Polynesia
More information on how this civilization set-up leadership throughout the empire in distant islands in my article: Ancient Practice of Tokatufa. This was a practice under the Tongaloa title holders the founding fathers of the Tongan Empire and Civilization.
More information on the relationship and misunderstanding by Western Missionaries of who Tangaloa was and how the misunderstanding of the term “langi” led to the false recording of Polynesian history. All this expressed in my article discussing Tangaloa and Langi.
4. 450-510 ‘Ahoeitu came down from Langi to Tonga the first Tu’i Tonga.
More information on the transition from Tangaloa to the Tu’i Tonga titles within the same family from my article History of Tonga Part 1.
5. 510-880 Tukutonga to Talikitonga 14 Tu’i Tonga
More information for the events during this time in my article: Article History of Tonga Part II

(Ha’amonga and Tutu’angakava and the Ha’amonga on the ground)
6. 880-1035 Talikitonga to Toloa 6 Tu’i Tonga
More information of this period in my article: Tonga History 3- The Tu’i Tonga Settlement.
7. 1035-1085 Toloa to Tafeta I. Mo’unglafa II. Tafeta II. 2 Tu’I Tonga
More information on this period in my article: Tongan History 4- Tu’i Tonga Settlement 4/5
8. 1085-1100 Tafeta II to Ha’aloto Fifth Tu’i Tonga Settlement 2 Tu’i Tonga – ThePeak of the Kingdom Empire
9. 1100-1865 Ha’aloto to Fangalongonoa 28 Tu’i Tonga
More information on this period in my article: Fonuatanu Intro Final Settlement

10. 1875 – Present Nuku’alofa becomes capital city.
The ruling family of Tonga descendants from the Tu’i Tonga line and of the Tongaloa line still governing over Tonga today. Making this the longest active ruling family and active civilization in the world today.
Future articles in this series will cover the history and organization of the 3 Kingly lines from the same governing family and how through thousands of years this ruling family line is the same family line from Tangaloa and the Tu’i Tonga lines.
Interested to see if you have a book available. Would love a whole volume of your work