Tonga Origin of Kava Ceremony
Many scholars from the Western Academic world such as Dr. Edward Gifford, Dr. Elizabeth Bott, Dr. Adrian Kaeppler, Prof. Futa Helu, Prof. ‘Okusi Mahina, and Prof. Tevita Ka’ili claim that a Ha’a Lo’au and Fale Fa outside of Tonga founded and established Tonga’s Ancient Political Structure as well as instituted the Kava Ceremony for the Tu’i Tonga, Tu’i Ha’atakalaua, and Tu’i Kanokupolu.
Naturally, the Kauhala’uta have immediate questions that arise from this claim by the Academia.
- Where did these foreign and ancient Ha’a Lo’au and Fale Fa come from and how was their civilization more sophisticated more sophisticated than that of the Ancient Tongan Civilization that warranted the implementation of foreign political and social structure in Tonga such as ordaining the Tu’i Tonga?
Tonga’s government has been in existence for approximately 1,500 years from the First Tu’i Tonga ‘Aho’eitu to ‘Aho’eitu the current Monarch and Tu’i Kanokupolu.
The last Lo’au’s attempt to structure Tongan political and social matters were expelled by Takai and Fa’ee from Ha’amea in Hihifo and removed the “Takapau” (a reference to the total rejection of the Lo’au proposals) and these Lo’au were lost at sea. To this day Ha’amea are still in Lapaha and in Tatakamotonga.
If you wish to know the truth of Tonga’s ancient history you should go to the source rather than infesting Tongan history with foreign ideas that cannot express the true history of Tonga.
Once again these are questions and statements from Kauhala’uta.

Ko e fehu’i mei Kauhala’uta kia Dr. Edward Gifford, Dr. Elizabeth Bott, Dr. Adrian Kaeppler, Palofesa Futa Helu, Palofesa ‘Okusi Mahina, mo Palofesa Tevita Ka’ili.
Koe ha’u mei fe ‘i muli ‘a e Ha’a Lo’au mo e kau Fale Fa muli ‘oku mou lau ne nau o mai ‘o fale’i fakapolitikale mo fokotu’utu’u ‘a e kava ‘o e Ha’a Tu’i Tonga, Tu’i Takalaua, moe Tu’i Kanokupolu? Ko e fonua fe ia ‘i muli he Pasifiki na’e toe ma’olunga ange ‘enau sivilaise ‘i Tonga ni ke nau o mai ‘o fale’i e Ha’a Tu’i Tonga?
Ko e ta’u eni 1500 tupu ‘a e pule’anga ‘a Tonga ni mei a ‘Aho’eitu ko e ‘uluaki Tu’i Tonga kia ‘Aho’eitu Tu’i Kanokupolu (Tupou VI).
Ko e Lo’au fakamuimui ‘i Tonga ni, na’e tuli mo ta’aki moe takapau mei Hihifo ‘e Takai mo Fa’ee ‘o nau o ‘o he ‘i tahi ka e kei tu’u pe ‘a e Ha’amea ‘i Lapaha mo e Ha’amea ‘i Tatakamotonga.
Ka ‘oku mou fie’ilo ki he tukufakaholo, ‘eke ki matavai. ‘Oua e ‘omi ‘a e fakakaukau fakamuli ke fokotu’utu’u’aki ‘a e hisitolia ‘o Tonga.
Koe ha’u mei fe ‘i muli ‘a e Ha’a Lo’au mo e kau Fale Fa muli ‘oku mou lau ne nau o mai ‘o fale’i fakapolitikale mo fokotu’utu’u ‘a e kava ‘o e Ha’a Tu’i Tonga, Tu’i Takalaua, moe Tu’i Kanokupolu?
Thanks for the information
WOW beautiful fkmaloo atu
AMENNN AMENNN AMENNN AMENNN HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON! MOONIII aupitoooo ae poini koenii ke nau oo mai Nautoluu koe tokii tuu pe eni ae nau FONUA YESTERDAY ke nau toe fktuuutuu mai ahai -WHO.. hhaaaa!! we were here longggg BEFORE they came up… LOL
Brilliant website and thought-provoking articles. Thank you for sharing. There is much to digest. The stories you share of Tagaloa, Tui Manu’a’s birth in Tonga, and Māui family accounts fit like puzzle pieces with the research I am now engaged in. I very much appreciate the conclusion you have reached of a connection between the Polynesian peoples and the Americas, as this has become increasingly evident to me as well. I would love to discuss this subject in greater depth with you sometime and share some of my own research. Fa’afetai tele lava, cousin.