Tonga – World’s Oldest Active Civilization .The founders of the Tongan Civilization (Tangaloa & Maui) first arrived in Tonga from Vaihi (The Ancient Polynesian name for the Americas) approximately around 1000 BC. The people from Vaihi brought to the Pacific a civilization that was unlike any other civilization at that time in the Pacific. The founders named every uninhabited island in the Pacific, beginning with Tonga. In Tonga they continued the practice they brought from the Americas, i.e. a system of Kings that included Kings, Nobles, and Commoners.

The first King of the Tongan Empire was Momo from the Tangaloa Clan when the people from Vaihi arrived in Tonga. This unique civilization created mounds as
These early navigators, astronomers, and civilization builders eventually, over time established the Tu’i Tonga Empire (Tongan Empire) that is recognized throughout the South Pacific. In 1020 AD the 23rd Tu’i Tonga Momo I (also known as

The Polopolo and ‘Inasi were important religious rituals of the Tu’i Tonga Empire. The Polopolo tribute was offered at the beginning of the warm season and the ‘Inasi tribute was offered at the beginning of the cool season.

The wide spread Tu’i Tonga Empire began to fragment in
The Tangaloa clan governed Tonga until the formation of the Tu’i Tonga by the Tangaloa as the new ruling authority of the Empire.

Founders of the Tongan Empire & Civilization, Maui and Tangaloa 1000 B.C. to 450 A.D.
Tu’i Tonga Lineage from 450 A.D to 2019 A.D.
1 . ‘Aho’eitu 28. Talakaifaiki II
2. Lolofakangalo 29. Tapu’osi II
3. Fanga’one’one 30. Fatafehi I
4. Lihau 31. Havea I
5. Kofutu 32.Tatafu’eikimeimu’a
6. Ma’uhau 33.Talakaifaiki III /Lomi’aetupu’a II
7. Kaloa 34. Talafapite
8. Kaliu 35. Ma’akatoa
9. Lingolingoa 36. Kau’ulufonua II
10. Kilukilua 37. Tapu’osi III/Havea II
11. ‘Apuanea 38.Takalaua
12. ’Afulunga 39.Kau’ulufonua III/Fekai
13. Momo I 40.Ha’avakafuhu 111
14. Lomi’aetupu’a 41.Puipuikifatu II/Momo III
15. Ha’avakafuhu I 42.Kau’ulufonua IV
16. ‘Ilepo 43.Tapu’osi IV
17. Puipuikifatu 44.Tele’a I/’Uluakimata I
18. Puipui 45.Fatafehi II
19. Kau’ulufonua I 46.Kau’ulufonua V
2o. Tapu’osi I 47.Tele’a 11/’Uluakimata II
21. Talakaifaiki I 48.Tu’ipulotu’ilangitu’ofefafa
22. Ha’avakafuhu II 49.Fakana’ana’a
23. Momo II/ Talafata 5o.Tu’ipulotu’ilangitu’oteau
24. Tafeta/ Tu’i Tatui 51.Paulahau/Pau
25. Talatama 52.Ma’ulupekotofa
26. Niutamatou 53.Fatafehifuanunuiava
27. Talaiha’apepe 54.Laufilitonga.
Morden Kings of Tonga Who are Descendant of the Tu’i Tonga
55.Tupou I 56.Tupou II
57.Tupou III 58.Tupou IV
59. Tupou V 60. Tupou VI – Current King of Tonga
Tonga – World’s Oldest Active Civilization
Great work. However, where did you get these reference to America? I am,not aware of such source. Please clarify. Mälö ‘aupito.
The Book of Mormon and old white men who are Prophets of god.
Very interesting Fale, keep up the good work. Hope you have the time for another seminar at Lo’au University in Tonga. Myself and Siua would love to share more of your work with our students. Ofa atu Inoke.
Hi I am interested in getting to know where I am from. When you say americas does that mean something like “Peru” I’ve been and I’ve seen some of their ancient culture and it feels similar to ours in Tonga.
Also I want to know about tu’inukuafe, are they royalty or not?
The information on this website isn’t accurate. We originated from Austronesians who came from Taiwan during the great Austronesian expansion around 3000 BC to 1000 BC. There is more Cultural, DNA and Language evidence that shows that we are related to those people than the people from the Mesoamerican cultures.
Great work toko…at last, an ACCURATE account of our Tongan history…ofa lahi atu
Okay, then why doesn’t he provide references in his research?
Yo, you guys came from China. Most of the information here is crap
There’s a Tongan saying “ko Vaihi e” meaning something a distance away or something hard to get or unreachable. Vaihi comes from Havaihi or Hawaii.
If were that great. Then what the hell happened to us now?
There’s a Tongan saying “ko Vaihi e” meaning something a distance away or something hard to get or unreachable. Vaihi comes from Havaihi or Hawaii.
We have three lineages, The Sacred Kings of Tonga known as the Tu’i Tonga, the first lineage, and then the second lineage was the Ha’atakalaua and of course our current lineage or the third lineage is the Kanokupolu. From your list it somehow clutter all Kings from the 450AD up to now without the recognition or acknowledgement of the 3 line of Kings. There are so many other parts which contradict with the current history that we’re using here in Tonga. It would be nice if all historians agrees to one story so that we provide consistent information to our visitors from abroad. Malo
Oral history at best, more imaginations than actual facts